Oven baked dog food with fresh free-range chicken, Superfoods, fresh vegetables and Greek virgin olive oil. Α recipe designed with quality protein and natural ingredients based on the ancestral diet and the biological needs of your dog, with fresh meat as the main ingredient. Suitable for all breeds, adult and senior dogs.
Proteins: | 33% |
Carbohydrates: | 17% |
Total Fats: | 24% |
All Fibrous Substances: | 6,8% |
Humidity: | 12% |
Total ash: | 6,50% |
Energy Value: | 436 kcal |
Omega 3: | 1.20% |
Omega 6: | 1.80% |
Calcium: | 1,40% |
Phosphorus: | 1.10% |
Glucosamine: | 350mg/kg |
Chondroitin: | 250mg/kg |
20 - 60 g / per day
60 - 110 g / per day
110 - 160 g / per day
160 - 260 g / per day
260 - 350 g / per day
35-50 kg
350 - 480 g / per day